Low vision
Adrian Halsall, FBDO Hons LVA, is our low vision specialist. We are part of central Lancashire funded low vision scheme free to anyone registered with a GP practice within a central Lancashire postcode.

How we can help
with low vision
Come in for a low vision assessment at Eyesentials and we will begin by undertaking an eye examination to assess your level of vision and the health of your eyes.
We will assess your residual vision and will advise you on what low vision aids and assistance may help you to see more clearly for important, everyday things like correspondence, the television, mobile devices and bus numbers.
Don't miss out
on everyday activities
Magnification can be useful for a variety of tasks and need not always be classified as a low vision aid.
Many people will find simple assistance with hobbies such as artwork, sewing and stamp collecting, for example, much easier with a simple magnifier.
We have a range of magnifiers designed with these tasks in mind.
We can supply:
Modified spectacles
Spectacle mounted telescopes
Special illumination
Lens filters
Hand held telescopes
CCTV (closed circuit television)
Magnifiers – illuminated and hand held
Stand magnifiers
Reading stands.
Eschenbach mobilux®
The new digital magnifier mobilux® DIGITAL touch HD from Eschenbach Optik has magnifications of 4x through to 12x, making it an ideal solution to many vision tasks.
Whilst the 4.3" touch-screen ensures intuitive operation at all times, the HD camera positioned centrally under the non-reflective, high contrast display, makes orientation easy during reading and provides maximum definition.
Thanks to its handy format and minimum weight, Eschenbach's mobilux® DIGITAL touch HD is perfect for reading on the move. What's more, at home it can be simply connected via USB to a computer offering the full functionality of a screen reader.
View more products in our online store.

Want a demonstration? We have a digital magnifier showroom. Get in touch with us for more details.



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Contact us by phone, email or book your next appointment online.